Sunday, October 29, 2006

Nocturnal Chatterings #1

- It's Sunday night again before work and I can't sleep again. I thought I got rid of that problem.

+Work doesn't seem so bad, I wonder why.

- Because it is another being that sucks the life out of me and leaves me with no time to do what I'd like to do with myself. It traps me.

- I also can't sleep because it feels as if my stomach is empty even though i had a snack.

+ That's because your intestines are broken again and there is probably nothing in them.

- I think I'm going to have to relocate to the floor again, it is calmer down there.

+ The bed has a history of being a cesspool to helldom.

- I don't want to take Ambien again. My stomach is still empty. I've had to sleep before with an empty stomach but did not know it. So many household arguments over plain dumb oatmeal. I hate plain oatmeal but just eat it to get stuff shut up.

+ At least you have a bed of your own this time even though you tend not to use it lately.

- I'm haunted. It's Halloween again and I am still haunted. Running through the woods with the crunch of the leaves betraying my location. How can leaves be so pretty when they are dying? Then they are bland brown when they are dead. It's cruel and I hate it.

+ Millions of people suffer from insomnia and a growing more of trauma-related disorders.

-I don't know why that is relevant or helpful to me. I still don't know why we bother.

-I'm going to try something else to eat and then try the floor. If I have to take a pill then I have to take a pill. I can't allow myself to get run down again because I have nowhere to turn.


Anonymous said...

Hello sister of the sleepless nights...coming off the effexor sucks. I haven't done it myself, but have friends gone thru the ugliness. My doctor gave me a more natural approach for dealing with the anxiety and sleepless nights you might want to look into. I can email you more info, if you would like. It has worked for me and a few others I know. Take one or twoGABA before bed with a Super B Vitamin after a few days, I was much more relaxed with happier dreams. Things weren't perfect, but some restful sleep was better than none at all.

CountryDew said...

I was worried about you so I am glad you posted even if you seem to be having a hard time. I like the vitamins approach from stepped on a crack above. I take a lot of B Vitamins and I think they help a lot. B2, B6, B12 and a super B Complex. You might toss some magnesium malate in there, too.

Chrystal Sander said...

Thank you very much for the vitamin suggestions. I will do some research on the GABA. I know my body is nutritionally depleted and that is probably not helpful.


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