Quote regarding Hiroshima atomic bomb: "What has been done is the
greatest achievement of organized science in history."For some reason, I've watched multiple documentaries lately regarding the United States and war. I had always known that my education was sparse regarding the history of America and war remain amazed at my own ignorance. Tonight's documentary was
"Why We Fight" by Eugene Jarecki.
Probably among the majority, I have always wondered the REAL reason as to why America attacked Iraq after 9-11-01. I knew it had nothing much to do with Sadaam Hussein but was not aware of specifics. After all, when New York was attacked by terrorists the majority of entire world, including Iraq, seemed to grieve with us. Now the same majority is fast becoming anti-American.
According to this film, the attack of America on Iraq was nothing more than smokescreen to conceal the implementation of a new foreign policy conceived by Dick Cheney in 1992 after the fall of the Soviet Union. This foreign policy essentially documents the goal of the US becoming the only ONE military superpower in the world.
The conception of such a policy was seeded long ago before the current administration. When the US had to build the incredible military power it built during WWII as an intent aid others, another seed began to grow. Eisenhower felt strongly against Nazi practices but hated the dropping of the atomic bomb. The implications of the growth of the US army frightened him. In his exit address to the nation he warned that with this large military growth, "The potential for misplaced power exists."
I was not aware that Japan had already surrendered before the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima but that Truman had wanted to frighten Stalin and the world and declare war on communism. The same has now happened in Iraq. Attacking Iraq was a way to say to the world that the US is to be feared. Why is this needed?
I understand using the fortune and resources developed in the US to help others but who are we to force Democracy on anyone else? The answer is that we don't. We do NOT have the right. We have responsibility, not right. We have are leaders infested with greed for money and power.
I suppose this is nothing new to the human race. We want to be the new Rome? Well, from what I recall Rome did eventually fall.