You're not going to freaking believe this: someone was nice to me.
I've been really out of it lately - more than usual. So in one month I got a speeding ticket, a parking ticket then one day I had two parking accidents - one involving another person.
I felt horrible about hitting the parked car and had no idea whose it was. I ended up phoning the police to so that I didn't get caught in some hit-and-run situation then left a note on the car.
Honestly, I thought the lady was going to take me to the cleaners for that mess of scratches and was fully prepared for such so it was quite a surprised when she phoned me and told me that I owed her a tube of toothpaste. She explained that she was able to buff out most of the scratches with toothpaste so I need to get her some Aquafresh whitening toothpaste. To make it even more bizarre, she ended up thanking ME for my honesty and decency.
I'm going to get her more than a tube of toothpaste for HER kindness. She has given me a very very touching present and I am thankful.