According to MSNBC, "more and more people seem to be on their own these days. Census figures show that one-fourth of the nation’s households — 27.2 million of them — now consist of one person, compared to just 10 percent in 1950. For that matter, the average American has only two close friends in whom to confide — down from three in 1985, according to an authoritative sociological study released in June. Nearly a quarter have no confidant at all."
To help me get along at during this time alone, I made a list of the top ten reasons why it is better to be home alone at Christmas:
10. Aunt Franny's liver and cranberry stuffing.
9. No fist fights to break up in the yard.
8. No more debates as to who was responsible for the burned Christmas ham back in 1985.
7. Not forced to sit at small card table with five-year-olds who flick corn in your face.
7. Not forced to sit at small card table with five-year-olds who flick corn in your face.
6. No having to be nice to mean people whom you only see once a year.
5. No horrid gossip -- Do not have to hear who is fornicating with who during the lunch hour at work.
4. One less viewing of that damn blonde-kid-movie and his bb-gun.
3. Less presents to re-gift.
2. Avoidance of in-laws! Avoidance of in-laws! Avoidance of in-laws!
1. Can sit in front of XBox in flannel pajamas, eat pie, and gain ranking points by shooting down all the newbs who just now received a copy of Halo 3.
1 comment:
I like your list. I have had way too much family and togetherness in the last two days. I could use some video game time!
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