me (startled and watching her pass): um ... ok ... thanks ...
(later in day)
mgr: i need this break fixed asap. every one's tired of getting 400 + error e-mails a day.
me: ... earlier when i pointed it out you said to let it pass and not fix it ...
mgr: fix it asap
me: ok
(couple hours later)
me: the code is fixed, tested, documented, and ready to promote to production.
mgr: why?
me: pardon?
mgr: why does it work now? how do you know how it broke?
me: ... .... .... well, what happened is you requested that we remove component "A5" and all of it's references but you were not aware that the DLL component "Z12" was even being used more less calling component "A5" which you had me remove -- so, of course, when "Z12" tried to call "A5" the software errored out.
mgr: great. prove it to me then you can promote it.
me: pardon?
mgr: give me detailed documentation and proof of what happened.
me: ..... ok. (g*d*mn-geometry-teacher-gestapo-wanna-be-piece-of....)
co-worker: hurry, aren't you coming to happy hour?!!
me: i gave the proof of the "A5" error resolution to (mgr) and she said to promote it immediately so i have been waiting for the promotion to go through.
co-worker: she just left for happy hour ... see you there!
me: ....
me: ....
me: (wait ... mgr just left ... did she give approval to the database team for the promotion? .... hmmm.... (looking up promotion status) ... holy crap! she did not! she is gone and did not even give approval after the whole g*d*mn piece of *s386$*@! )
Note: I work for one of the top 10 IT shops in the United States.