manager: did you ever locate the Payroll-Group-Code in the PCHR database for the HYPS1 application?
me: i sent you an e-mail with some sample data for your confirmation.
manager: you mean the e-mail dated 11/9/07?
me: well...i'd have to look to know which exact dated e-mail it was ... hold on ... no, not that one. i sent this one yesterday with no response regarding that either.
manager: no, that's wrong, we need real data for the client.
me: that was real data from the actual table.
manager: i know but it is not the right data.
me: can you give me a sample of what you are looking for exactly?
manager: we just need to know if the code is being used by the app. give us the connection string and sample data.
me: i gave you the connection string.
manager: no, that had the database name in it.
me: yes.
manager: ...
me: ... can you give me a sample of what you are looking for exactly?
manager: it will be like our code - Y372 - but that code will not be in there to look for so I can't tell you.
me: so no one knows what this code is that i'm looking for.
manager: i need you to locate the Payroll-Group-Code in the PCHR database for the HYPS1 application.
me: okay, i'll look again.
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