Monday, April 21, 2008

The Non-Violence Of Child Predators

Today Missouri governor Matt Blunt announced his continued pursuit of allowing the death penalty for violent child predators. If you've read my blog at any length then you know I support this initiative; however, you may also predict my next statement: "What exactly is the definition of a NON-violent child predator?" An oxymoron?

Perhaps this is just an issue of verbiage but I do wonder how the government will proceed with handling the absolutely massive numbers of child predators out there (if they are caught). Personally, I have no problem with killing them all but I doubt the majority of the general public would concur -- especially when it is the next-door neighbor and close-friend who is caught molesting his or her own child. Parents ARE a good majority of child predators, you know -- they just do not get successfully reported.

In any event, if this passes then there will be allot of specifics to work out but it would be worth it. I never thought I would say that about the death penalty but it seems to me that the horrific ramifications that these rapists end up passing through generations constitutes such extreme measures.

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