Security Guard: "HEY MISS! You can't be there! Come back and step off the gray area!"
Me: "I want to feel the blue light."
Security Guard: "What are you talking about? There are no more trains tonight, you'll have to leave.
Me: ::climbing steps back to street::
Security Guard: "Miss, don't go up there - it is too dangerous. You'll have to call a cab. Let me give you the number."
Me: ::climbing steps back to street::
Security Guard: "Miss, I said don't go up there - it is dangerous."
Me: ::confused ... how to get to cab without going to the street? ::
Me: ::wanders back to platform and sits looking in to the electricity and the void below::
Security Guard: "Are you going to call a cab?"
Me: "There's one more train tonight."
Security Guard: "What is wrong with you? There aren't any more. I'm going to have to phone my supervisor."
Me: ::staring into void::
Me: ::staring into void::
Me: ::staring into void::
Security Guard: ::returns::
Security Guard: "Apparently there is one more train coming through because of the late ballgame downtown ..."
Security Guard: ::ponders::
Me: ::staring into void::
Security Guard: ::ponders::
Me: ::staring into void::
Security Guard: ::ponders::
Me: ::staring into void::
Train: ::horn announces approach::
Me: "Sorry you didn't try for the Olympics but it's not too late for you."
Security Guard: "Thanks, but ... Wait, how did you know that?"
Me: "I heard you."
Security Guard: ::looks bewildered::
Me: ::boards train and leaves disappointed::
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