Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Nocturnal Chatterings #25

-- i'm so afraid that i think i might be close to terrified.

++ you've had a long day

-- i can't remember when i last slept in my own bed

++ then perhaps you should do something about that

-- i'm past the point of dealing with it. my blood pressure is so high tonight. angina, tachy ... makes me dizzy hot and sweaty when i stand up. i'm terrified at the thought of how i will cope if i have a heart attack or stroke. i'm alone, completely alone.

++ you should not catastrophize. i'm sure there are steps you can take to prevent a cardiovascular event. wait, look, there just happens to be a new treadmill in our living room!

-- smartass

++ ....

-- i tried the relaxation. i tried the tapping

++ you should blog about that

-- i don't want to be alone in a hospital with tubes in my veins and dyes running up my legs to my heart. i'd rather die first

++ i wish you would decide one way or the other

-- i would like to sleep every night of my life for a year and see what happens

++ it seemed to be better

-- for a week

++ i'm out of insomnia quips

-- me too. i'm tired of doing this.

-- OH MY F* GOD! LOOK -- I posted this same crap in May of 2008. i can't do this a anymore. it's been going on many more years than that. omg.

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