Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nocturnal Chatterings #14

-- I don't know what happened. I was exhausted and ready to go to sleep @ 9pm. Maybe I should have. I thought that if I did then ... well, I don't recall what I thought

++ Maybe it's the Prozac dose uppage. It is known to happen.

-- Crap, I hope not. I hate having to change a medication. Remember the time my face ended up swollen and itchy as if it were going to explode? I hate the ER.

++ I don't think that's likely.

-- Maybe it was the presentation of Enterprise Architect today. That got me excited to manic proportions.

++ I think that was just you being a geek. Maybe you need to start regular exercise again. You've stopped since the new job and the terminal cat.

-- Exercise for the sake of exercise is disgusting.

++ So are dark circles around your eyes.

-- Yes, I am looking like a corpse again, aren't I ... I haven't even been drinking the protein shakes because it is too much trouble to make then have to wash the blender. Damn...

++ ......

-- At least August is over. I hate August. Oh, that reminds me -- the lurkers. I think the lurkers are back. In fact that's probably what's keeping me up and getting me all goofy.

++ Never mind the Rockstar energy drinks and then you had an extra cup of coffee after the noon hour.

-- Oh, yeah, .... forgot about that. Damn ...

1 comment:

CountryDew said...

Hope your nights have gotten better!


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