Monday, September 03, 2007

It's Growing and It's Going To Pop

"the bulge"

As you may recall, I've been sleeping on an air mattress since moving into the apartment seven months ago. The first air mattress started to die about a month ago and now the second one is about explode (see above).

Finally, I ordered a real bed to be delivered next Saturday. Sorry to admit it, but I feel quite guilty about the purchase for the reasons I mentioned previously. However, what am I supposed to do? Have a heart-attack in the middle of the night when the thing blows? Sleep on the floor or sick-cat-vomit-ridden futon? As much Call of Duty 3 I've been playing lately, I'd probably leap through the air yelling "INCOMMMIINNGG!" ...that would get the neighbors going.

Despite my shame, when I look at the picture above I can't help but to get a good laugh at the ridiculousness of me thinking I can continue sleeping in this type of situation! As if I do not have enough back problems as it is! Hell, I'm the one who gave up the FURNISHED HOUSE so don't I deserve a freakin' bed?! It's like, if someone pokes me in the eye then I would ask "did that feel good, you can do it again if it helps you."


Anonymous said...


My air mattress is doing the EXACT same thing!

I turn around in my sleep to hold it like its another being laying in my bed with me. hahahahahaha

Mattress comes next week. Thank heavens.

Chrystal Sander said...

Heheheh, too funny! I got a good laugh over the ridiculous looking thing.

I think there are different pockets inside of the mattress and they are going out one by one.

I let the air out and am going to return it.

I'm looking forward to my mattress too.

CountryDew said...

I think you deserve a good bed. A decent night's sleep is a gift you should give yourself, well, every night!

Anonymous said...

New bed! New bed! We just did a big move and bought a new mattress after 10 years and it is SO WORTH IT.

Chrystal Sander said...

Yep, the new bed arrived here last Saturday. Comfy and reliable! I really didn't have any comfort issues with the air mattresses I selected but got tired of the hassle.


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