Wednesday, February 06, 2008

bricks sink and drown so stop it now

he wants me to move back home and live in the damn upstairs room of the house and share facilities. that is the answer he says. i LIVED in the damn upstairs room of the house for the past eight years! he is happy and content with that. i want more. he can find someone else to do that.

everyone enables his denial, concurs with his assessment that i am having "a phase" or that i am just "too wounded" and he is a saint for being so patient. if i am crazy, then so is he. damn them all.

i am tired of having to be the one who has to sit aside while the “hurt” party gets all the advantages. he made a decision to stay as he is. It is about both of us not just myself. he refuses to own up to his part in this. i hate all of you. yeah, everyone wants my attention when they want something and it is convenient for them. it's drained me dry. no more.


CountryDew said...

Well, that doesn't sound like the answer to me. So sorry this is not going well for you.

Anonymous said...

Balloons, depending on what they are filled with, are much more versatile than bricks. Try being a balloon for a while. It couldn't be worse and most things they could be filled with don't sink. Some even soar.


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