- damn...
- what is going on is that there are events going on inside my head that i do not know about.
+ that is strange
- i have many many rooms inside of my head. i can't keep track of them all but i can tell when something is going on in a room somewhere because i get a static-sensation in my body.
+ the entire body?
- yes. it's like a vibration and it keeps me from sleeping.
+ what is going on in the room(s) tonight?
- i do not know because the door(s) to the room(s) is/are closed. no, i do not know how to open them. it takes a trained professional and none are available @ 2am.
+ i think the rooms are what you would call the subconscious and you have something stressful in the rooms that needs to be dealt with.
- i'm sure that i do but that does not help me at 2am. no, i do not think there are aliens and that i need to place tinfoil over my head. yet. besides, that would frighten the furries.
- i'm probably going to die early of a disease related to all the insomnia, stress, blood-pressure, etc. that i experience. i know i have a fairly bad headache right now.
+ you need to knock out some rooms and maybe that would lessen the headache.
- ...
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