Monday, January 19, 2009

The worst blows are those that seem to come from nowhere. I don't know what happened so just take your pick.

I'm distraught by bedtime panic and the sick dread of nightmares. I thought that they had moved on.

I am so afraid to fall asleep that I may have to find a hidey to curl into. Elm Street has nothing on whatever bastard is lurking around in my subconscious - ready to attack.

I'm suspecting that this is related to today's frequent visits to bathroom stall #1 to secretly unleash tears that come from a hidden primal closet somewhere in the back of my walls.

In any event, I made an appointment with the professional tomorrow so I will miss work and catch the wrath for that but I figure it is better than the gastric lavage I seem to be headed for.

1 comment:

CountryDew said...

I hope you're doing better today.


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