Sunday, March 29, 2009


"Yours is a mind that contains many, many rooms with bolted doors. When you enter into any given room then you are horrified and devastated only to run and slam the door behind. Though, heart-wrenching to experience such a room, you continue on through each room in a similar manner in some grand hope to conquer this maze. This would not be so bad if you could consolidate these chambers into one sky-view so that you may see that they are all there in the same building.

Instead, you forget the last room ... and the room previous to that ... and so on. You forget to the point that you often forge on into the same room many times only to needlessly re-experience the terror as if you had never known such insanity before. I do not need to tell you that this is self-defeating. It is not detail you need ... it is not necessary to live in these rooms again ... it is not necessary to even leave the doors open .. but you will need to know that they ALL exist and what they ALL represent. You cannot proceed further until you master this."

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