They argue as to what to do with me and try to force me to make decisions I know little about. The traditional doctors say to not take the medicine yet since there is some functioning in my glands and more medicine might worsen my heart and lungs; however, the homeopathic doctor says to take the medicine because this may help my glands and relieve the problems associated with my heart and lungs.
For now, I've decided to do neither. I am going to wait. Lab results show I am so off in so many areas that it is possible that some homeopathic medicines may help significantly but that they may be slow to assist as my heart condition worsens at a quicker pace. I am still going to wait.
The whole autoimmune problem actually makes perfect sense to me. I mean, for the majority of my life my body has been on high-alert and attacked. Also, when there was no outside source doing the attacking then I did plenty of it on my own. I've cut myself ... overdosed myself ... starved myself ... how could this body know any different? The big question is can it be re-taught to not attack itself and if so, then how?
1 comment:
Well that is exactly what the graduates of Logan Chiropractic claim they can do so why not give it a try, can't hurt.
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