Since the pool is now closed for the season I decided to try hiking. Given my bum knee and video-game-flab, my version of hiking involves slowly walking in a nature area – such as grass. So today I began to head out but, as always, there were many obstacles to overcome in just leaving my house. First, since I was taking the Ninja and it was warm, I had the debate over shorts (aka road-rash potential) versus jeans. I settled on the long cargo shorts with Harley boots. But, then, I settled on the jeans again. Secondly, I must take my camera. What is the point if I do not have some type of technology with me? Of course, camera was not located. Spying my husband’s camera on the desk, I packed it away but then remembered the dead batteries. After a long search for batteries, I settled on partly-used batteries and was on my way.
I made it to the new trail but accidentally rode the bike onto the HIKING-ONLY trail and had to maneuver the street tires through grass and rock and managed to cut through back onto a road only to find a police officer parked and watching me. I think he could see I really was not trying to do a donut and he felt sorry for my newbie riding.
So I finally found somewhat of a trail and went about my way in thorough amazement at the environment. It reminded me of being a child again wandering through the countryside surrounding the rural town I grew up in. I was excited because I wanted to crawl under all types of foliage and see what the hell was hidden under there. I looked for all types of hidden treasures along the paths, found many, but the batteries did finally die and I only got two shots out.
This left me stuck without technology so I found a break in stream and sat on a rock for a quite a while. I decided that if I could have this particular spot in my backyard (creatures included) then perhaps I could find peace. Somewhere, in that spot, I know lays the meaning of life and peace. Surely, I should be able to sit still and relax... Somewhere I have fallen down into a black hole of techno-addiction. I need a video game controller or a laptop in my hands at all times. It does not help that I am a programmer who daily dwells in a small drab cube where, besides Dilbert, there is no other interest besides technology. I have become addicted to many behaviors and if I don’t find something else to life soon I will surely perish via stroke.
However, I did not find it so I eventually went on my way.
My knee began to give out so I headed back to the Ninja. I was feeling quite perky at my accomplishment and decided to take in a flick. I chose “The Covenant” which I do not recommend just because there are better things to see unless you’ve seen most everything. So then I went home and got stuck on SOCOM III and that was that. Whoo-ya.
1 comment:
It seems to me that solitude is something that you might need to find more of. Quiet places can be very freeing - and very frightening.
Here's to more peace for you.
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