Saturday, December 16, 2006


Nothing works. Absolutely nothing. Seventeen years of therapy and she is just allegedly "stable." That's all. No contentment, no joy, just allegedly "stable." Considering the fact that there was no way anyone could be allegedly "stable" during the teenage years when she started, allegedly "stable" doesn't have much credence as to the effectiveness of therapy.

Essentially, allegedly "stable" is the equivalent of "not causing a disturbance" or "is quiet" or "no sirens." Nevermind the fact that her inner world is still so miserable that she counts her stockpile of pills in hopes that the little arsenal will take care of herself once and of all. Nevermind the fact that she is starving herself to death again. And, of course, nevermind the temptations of being crushed under a rail train. None of this has to be concerned about because she has learned to play the game. She is "just so very smart" that she will surely pull herself out of this one too. Again, nevermind that the alleged "brilliance" of her IQ is yet another thing that sets her into more hellish isolation.

Everything is about the bottom line lately and the bottom line here is that she would have been better off if they'd left her alone and allowed her to perish to begin with because hope for anything else is all ALLEGED.

1 comment:

CountryDew said...

Well, not quite alleged. I think there is hope. Hope is good.

I never thought I'd get out of my hell, either, but I have. It isn't perfect, there are problems, bad days, illnesses, fights, fussing, sadness, tears, dramas, and angst, but there is also hope, love, smiles, touches, kisses, eye-locks that say I understand, friends, tears, and sometimes even joy.

It is and probably always will be a difficult road for both of us. I found when I accepted that fact things got better and I could move forward.

I shall hope the same for you, my dear friend. Some kind of acceptance, some kind of moving forward.


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