-My stomach aches.
-It's been a hard week. To have my self disregarded so often by certain others causes allot of pain.
-I had thought I would only have to live in this apartment for only a few months. Yes, I was aware of the statistics but still believed otherwise. After this week, I know it will be longer.
-He has repeatedly said, "I'll do anything to make this work." That has not turned out to be the case and it stings.
-My hurt and anger is too great to even be near him at this point. It is hard because I miss my babies. The cats are my babies and I've already lost too much in that area. ...I cannot speak of it.
-People with children tell me I am fortunate to not have kids. I don’t feel that way. I have a strong need to nurture and help a child grow into whatever he/she wants. They would not feel that they think me fortunate if they were to lose a child. I do not think there is another loss like losing a child.
-I drank too much last night. Not enough to make me ill or hung-over but too much for me. I wanted someone to hold me but there is no one so I drank.
-I do not know how to make it through the rest of the weekend. I most certainly do not want to.