Monday, March 12, 2007

I Left My Black Soul Purring On the Sofa

"my black soul"

After such a emotionally and mentally horrendous past couple of days, I woke up STILL crying and knew I could bare it no more -- I had to go get the black furball. I had been vomiting and other yucky things, my face had raw spots from acid tears, and my body ached from the stress but once I decided to go get him some energy flowed back into my body and I was able get some much-needed errands done before I went over.

He was immediately glad to see me today and rolled around on the floor purring and grunting as he does so well. It was a good reunion, I had a nice meal with my spouse, and I also got more needed tasks completed.

...then it was time to go and I began to fall apart. He could sense my nervousness and my leaving and he tensed up. I did not have the heart to drag him out of that house with all his screaming back to this apartment.

I'm hoping that I can keep busy with work this week but do not know what I will do come next weekend when I am faced with time without him. It is obvious that missing him is too hard on my mental and physical health. I also know that I have other issues that I am supposed to be focusing on during this separation -- such as my marriage and trauma issues. .....

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