Good intentions are certainly better than bad intentions but sometimes I do not know the difference.
Let's say a mother takes a sunny day off from work and sips on martinis to spend time with her three-year-old playing in the yard. Buzzing along, a bee stings the allergic child and medication is immediately needed. In a panic, the mother races her SUV to the pharmacy to get the medicine to help her child all the time not realizing that the three-year-old had ran to the back of the SUV and eventually dies. The mother was loving and wanted only what was best for her child but all that really matters now is The Bottom Line -- the child is dead.
I learned long ago that a person's behaviors do not constitute who they are as people. A person can do a bad thing but still be a good person. However, for all behaviors -- no matter what the intention -- there are consequences... A Bottom Line.
How should any one person determine what is The Bottom Line?
...I guess when they are dying and can no longer continue as is. I do not have enough middle fingers for this one either.
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