5:30 AM: (alarm goes off - hit snooze)
5:40 AM: (alarm goes off - hit snooze)
5:50 AM: (alarm goes off - mumble profanities and sit up in bed)
5:55 AM: (gather belongings and mumble profanities)
6:30 AM: (checkout)
7:05 AM: (shuttle to airport is late)
8:30 AM: (arrive at airport)
9:15 AM: (load airplane)
9:55 AM: (plane leaves for the US)
10:15 AM: (begin to snooze)
10: 25 AM: (violent kicking on back of seat and violent looks given to child behind)
10:30 AM: (begin to snooze)
10:45 AM: (violent kicking on back of seat and violent looks given to child behind - fellow passenger complains)
12:30 PM: (arrive at destination airport 40 minutes early)
12:45 PM: (interrogated by customs police for travelling alone and sniffed by dogs)
1:00 PM: (ride has not arrived - dragged 100-lb broken suitcase across terminal to train - phone ride to tell him to meet at other end of train stop)
1:05 PM: (discovered that the ticket machine is accepting change only - reach into pocket only to find pesos - phone ride again and agree to meet at terminal #2)
1:15 PM: (drag 100-lb broken suitcase to terminal #2. Legs cramp, collapse, and suitcase drops. No breath, arms shaking from strain, tearful)
1:20 PM: (police threaten me to either move it to terminal #14 or they will arrest me for suspicious behavior - police is informed that there is no way in hell i can move that damn suitcase to terminal #14 and they can keep the damn thing if they want)
1:22 PM (police assist luggage and myself to an elevator and escort us down only to point to terminal #14 way down the road - try to phone ride hysterically with no success due to lack of connection)
1:30 PM (arrive at terminal #14 and begin to violently kick the 100-lb broken suitcase then sit down and phone ride again - tears persist as onlookers are amused and police gather nearby)
1:45PM (ride arrives and carries suitcase - myself to winded to speak or make sense - legs still cramped - police disband as I leave with ride)
2:15PM (arrive at home disoriented)
Days later: (slowly regaining some orientation to environment - legs are only vaguely sore now)