I was cruising to the pool on my Ninja late Sunday afternoon. Warm but no humidity and the wind was light and fresh. There was not much traffic as I pulled up to a stop at the red light and then went about my way once the light changed green.
It was soon after that a beat-up Chevy Cavalier rolled up aside me and a female reached her hand out to give me the finger. "Hmmm..." I thought. "What did I do, did I cut this car off? ...there was no one around and I was quite alert....damn that makes me ... ANGRY."
Kicking my machinery into higher gears, I pulled back the throttle and ruthlessly raced up alongside the Chevy. We rode side by side as I kept a hard glare on the woman. It wasn't long before the Chevy started to slow down and pull behind me in avoidance but then we both hit a red light.
Unavoidable, the Chevy pulled up next to me and the man in the driver's side waved at me. I continued my glare. I was ruthless. I know what this woman was probably thinking that I was some spoiled punk on a fancy bike getting in her way and my bitterness rose to the back of my eyes. Via my eyes, these are the thoughts I pierced her with:
"Do you think that your finger means anything to me? Do you know what my life and trials have been? Do you think that I am any different than you. No, to all the above. Look me in the eyes! SEE MY EYES! SEE ME! SEE WHO I AM! I AM LOOKING AT YOU! The bike's not paid for and I work my ass off at work and at life. I don't settle."
When the light turned I rolled in the throttle and left the Chevy in my dust. Sometimes you have to do that.
It was soon after that a beat-up Chevy Cavalier rolled up aside me and a female reached her hand out to give me the finger. "Hmmm..." I thought. "What did I do, did I cut this car off? ...there was no one around and I was quite alert....damn that makes me ... ANGRY."
Kicking my machinery into higher gears, I pulled back the throttle and ruthlessly raced up alongside the Chevy. We rode side by side as I kept a hard glare on the woman. It wasn't long before the Chevy started to slow down and pull behind me in avoidance but then we both hit a red light.
Unavoidable, the Chevy pulled up next to me and the man in the driver's side waved at me. I continued my glare. I was ruthless. I know what this woman was probably thinking that I was some spoiled punk on a fancy bike getting in her way and my bitterness rose to the back of my eyes. Via my eyes, these are the thoughts I pierced her with:
"Do you think that your finger means anything to me? Do you know what my life and trials have been? Do you think that I am any different than you. No, to all the above. Look me in the eyes! SEE MY EYES! SEE ME! SEE WHO I AM! I AM LOOKING AT YOU! The bike's not paid for and I work my ass off at work and at life. I don't settle."
When the light turned I rolled in the throttle and left the Chevy in my dust. Sometimes you have to do that.
I would say that since you got angry, changed the way you were driving, made a point to glare at the person and think those thoughts that the action of giving you the finger meant quite a bit to you.
Ya, I have to agree.
It's always infuriating to get the finger when you don't deserve it, or don't know why you deserve it. This happened to us in the car not long ago when someone nearly side-swiped us; husband hit the horn and received the finger. We did not thing wrong except prevent an accident. Then when we passed said culprit, we received the finger again. We gave it back. But it ruined the evening.
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