Divorce is hard but not knowing what will happen is harder.
I try to continue on with life but it seems the odds are against me. It seems every week something on my car breaks and there goes any plan of paying off my many debts. With a spouse who has lost the title to the car and has been unwilling to sign it over to me anyway, I cannot trade it in for something more reliable.
Not that I can afford an extra monthly payment since my dependency on Kawasaki Ninjas continues to grow. For a very true one-and-only good bargain indeed (which would save me money in the long run ... yeah, you've heard that one before), I rented a car on Saturday, drove an hour out of town, turned in the car, caught a ride to the shiny red 650 and drove it home in the freezing temperatures to discover that it's previously-rented storage space is not quite large enough for my small frame to maneuver a 356 pound bike around.
I got the furious beast into the cell but it may not run so well again after I over-adjusted the idle-switch to the point of continual stalling. I cursed myself as I walked a mile back in the elements to where I had left my car.
Turns out, I had locked my keys in the tired vehicle and that caused another series of events.
I should just stay home. Today, while waiting in traffic, a tiny elderly lady in a Honda Civic did a hit-and-run on my left-front driver's side. I ended up following her thinking she would pull over - after all, she HAD slowed down somewhat. I was beginning to wonder if she was going to pull over at all until I saw her glide onto a side street. However, two red-lights behind her, she was pulling back out onto the road as if nothing had happened. I looked at my tired car and saw a dent and scratches so I went back out after her only to find her waiting in the drive-through line at McDonald's.
I said "screw-it" and went back to work to eat my cold sandwich. Either I've already had a break-down and am insane or am about to arrive at that point.
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