Unable to view my psyche as able to tolerate the life of a professional musician, I did not graduate with music as my major. I am either a musician or not. A university may give me a piece of paper reading that I can teach or perform but it can never teach me to play. My rival does well teaching band at a small high school a few hours away and Nike-guy has disappeared completely.
Regarding myself, I continued to perform in small bands on and off campus and kept playing sporadically until at least five years ago or so ... about the time my marriage started really falling apart … but … music has never left me. I believe it was in me before I was born. It is not a past-time for me but; instead, it IS me. Not a day passes without an MP3 player in my pocket. I do not listen to Johnny Cash or RenĂ© Joly but Green :Day is almost every day that I am able.
I cannot express the profound effect that music can have on me. Lately, just thinking of a 21st Century Breakdown lyric pushes me to tears because it is so reflective of myself that I cannot tolerate it.
I have wondered if my father realizes the irony of keeping me in that prison with his music but buying me the saxophone that I used to escape.
Likewise, as far as my saxophone goes, I’ll say that it has been located, dusted off, and the mouthpiece sits in disinfectant as I type.
Yay! I hope you are back to playing by the time you read this!
Sounds like a good idea....just don't freak if you're a little rusty...give it time.
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