Saturday, September 12, 2009

Batteries Not Included

"All I want to know is a God-damned thing
Not what's in the medicine.
All I want to do is I want to BREATHE
But batteries not included"

Lying in bed at night, I hold my index finger on my radial artery to make sure that my heart is still beating. Sometimes, my blood pressure gets so low at night, I worry that my heart will stop beating in my sleep and that no one will find me for days. Unless it is a work day, no one would notice. Even if it is a work day, then who would my employer phone? The cats would be stuck with my corpse for who knows how long. These are my thoughts in the night as I fear that their pills that are suppose to keep my tachycardic heart safe from out-of-control rising blood pressure will -- instead -- stop it completely. I've tried to tell them that my heart does not always race. Instead, sometimes stalls ... but they give me the look I fear, check my ankles, and have no advice.

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