Friday, May 18, 2007

Falling Is The Easier Part

"You in your shell are you waiting for someone to rescue you from yourself.
Don't be disappointed when no one comes. ...falling is easy it's getting back up that becomes the problem ... If you don't believe you can find a way out then you become the problem"*

Have you ever noticed that the bands that really survive are the bands whose individual members grow and evolve? The bottom line is that we grow to a better place or we stay where we are.

For example,
Korn was a great band. They were raw and honest and their pain was real; thus, their reign was long. However, they are still stuck there in the smelly shit-infested waters they began in and their fan-base has shrank. On the other extreme, there is Green Day who started in their tortured teen-age angst but have become even more talented and engaging as they have faced many of their demons and as they pass their courage to others, their fan-base grows.

Another band I've watched grow from misery and suffering to semi - peace is

On their website,, lead singer Aaron Lewis speaks of the bands growth referencing their latest album 'Chapter V':

'My life, up to a point was shit,' begins the frontman. 'But I've come a long way. I grew up in a trailer park in Vermont. That was the shit I got out of me in TORMENTED and DYSFUNCTION, and tailing into BREAK THE CYCLE. But the title, BREAK THE CYCLE, says it all.' In some ways, the song 'Falling' sums up Lewis' and the band's development and current state of mind, as he sings, 'the falling is easy, it's getting back up that becomes the problem.' Lewis concludes: 'I can't keep talking about how easy it is to fall. Life is about getting back up and brushing yourself off after the fall.'


"You wouldn't listen even if I told you. Who the fuck am I to say?

You're TOO BUSY with the LIES they sold you -- Another cure to fix your day.

OPEN WIDE for all the shit they feed you while the TV DEFECATES on you
and blindly walk wherever they will lead you while your edges SLOWLY FRAY.
I've given all I can and are you pacified or do you want more
from me?

If someone else showed you the way would you take the wheel and steer?
If they jumped off a bridge would you meeting them on the ground and
claim that it never made a sound? Everyone plays the hand they're
dealt and learns to walk through life themselves...(for better or worse)..."*

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