Sunday, May 06, 2007

Odd Random Thoughts: Lesbians With Sperm

Tonight I was reading an article on the cons of genetic mutation, specifically the destructive effects on bees. Then I came to an article written by a lesbian (this was an alternative newsletter) who had published a listing off products with dangerous chemicals (for example, formaldehyde in yogurt, etc).
All of this led my thoughts to cloning and what is my opinion on this, etc. With pain, I recalled that someone mentioned to me that, at any time, I could be eating steak from a cloned animal and I would have no right to know this.
The result of this pondering left to to this notion: what if women could be cloned to produce sperm and men cloned to have uterus'? Would lesbians and gay men be able to impregnate each other?

1 comment:

CountryDew said...

That is definitely an odd random thought! :-)


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