Sunday, May 20, 2007

Relief vs Terror - or - Heartbroken vs Suffocation

Recent pre-wedding scene of Grey's Anatomy - a series that follows the lives of young surgical interns in a Seattle hospital.

This season's finale of Grey's Anatomy, left us with the marriage ceremony of a handsome surgeon (Burke) and a brilliant young intern (Cristina). Burke had already established himself as an excellent surgeon while Cristina remained eager, excited, and compulsive in her drive to become the best surgeon possible. She had always been displayed as stone-cold and career-driven until she met Burke.

It was at this time that she slowly started changing aspects of herself to fit his lifestyle up until the wedding ceremony where she had been encapsulated in an uncharacteristic wedding dress, pencilled eyebrows, and Burke's family heirloom symbolic choker around her neck. She had a panic attack which delayed the wedding but when she finally decided to choose Burke over her career, he walked into the room and told her that he can't marry her. He realized that the Cristina before him was not his Cristina and the only way to save her from completely losing herself was to set her free.

After leaving the room, Cristina turns to her maid-of-honor, states “He’s gone... I’m free... Damn it...” and collapses into a mass hysteria of her conflicting emotions all the while ripping off the family choker.

What did it take for Burke to decide what to do?

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