Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nocturnal Chatterings #11

-- (in bed during the am) I try to fall asleep on my back with good
alignment so that circulation is increased throughout my body and so
that I do not wake up with so much stiffness and pain.

-- The problem occurs sometimes during the night when I end up in
embryo-position anyway.

++ That's probably natural.

-- It's almost as if I need a body cast ... hmmm ... maybe wrap myself
up in blankets?

++ As in mummy-style?

-- Yes but I'd probably worm my way through so I'd need to thin boards
... plywood ... on each side of me.

++ That sounds painful.

-- I could cover them with carpeting.

++ That sounds like allot of trouble.


++ That's morbid...

-- Yes, but then no one would have to buy one whenever I die because
I'll already have one I'm comfortable with. ...not to mention that I could pretend to be a vampire!

++ I don't think those are made for comfortable sleep. They are for
dead bodies, not live ones.

-- Yes, but I could customize it ... say, fit an air mattress in there
with some memory foam ... or fill a raft with water as in a waterbed !

++ It's still morbid. How would you explain that to visitors?

-- Well, the bedroom doesn't get any activity anyway ... but I could
hide it in the closet!

++ Somehow, that is even more frightening to me ...

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