Sunday, May 18, 2008

(One Motorcycle Without a Key) + (One Holter Monitor) = 0 Ride For a While

All week I've been looking forward to an annual motorcycle ride of over 100 riders. All the mods on my bike that I had planned were finished and I was ready to go. I knew I had to take it easy due to my current health issues but had carefully planned my diet and woke up this morning to eat plenty and hydrate myself enough. Even if I could ride only half the ride then I would be glad but then there was the walk from my apartment to my vehicle and that's when it all started going downhill.

I became short of breath with minor chest pain so I let the Holter do it's thing and when I got to where I keep my bike I phoned in the cardio results. I knew it wasn't good when they asked me to take more recordings but when the call was over I went about my business and pumped up my pre-ride jams. About five minutes later, I receive a phone call from a doctor informing me that a sinus tachycardia of 150-160 is not good and went on to interrogate me. My rate was down by then but I was told to lay down for the rest of the day and if I have any more such incidents then to go to the ER while he consults with my primary doc.

No way was this going to destroy my ride so I thought that AT LEAST I could ride the few miles to the rendezvous point and see everyone off and maybe meet them at the end later, right? Well, when I went to get gas, my motorcycle key broke in the tank. Yep, there I was with my sick holter monitor and a 400-pound locked Ninja with no key.

In the end, it took two flatbed trucks (don't ask) to haul that beast back to the house while the neighbors came out to watch and snicker at the tiny Ninja girl who can't get her shit right and should be on a tiny scooter instead.

And now I have no clue what is wrong with me and I have to make a plan as to how I am going to fake insurance again if I have to go to the ER (I'm still awaiting COBRA from my previous job because my employer is still struggling with the HMOs).

1 comment:

CountryDew said...

It sounds to me like a higher power of some kind was looking out for you. Broken key and all.... hope you feel better.


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