So, here is what it has come down to: the "High Deductible Health Plan" with a Health Savings Account (HSA). If you are healthy and your employer puts money into your HSA then you might not ever have to pay much in health care. Employer will place money into your HSA account and you can use that if you go to the doctor and can also take it with you if you go to another company. However, if you or your family member is sick or has an accident then you may pay a deductible of $5,600 for yourself or up to $11,200 for your family.
It could encourage the unhealthy to get healthy but I don't have $5,600 available. I received my COBRA bill of $1500 in the mail today and I'm probably going to have to either pull from savings for that or put it on credit. I may have to keep the COBRA for a while until I get healthy or die.
You don't have to choose the highest allowable deductible for your HSA qualified insurance plan. Some insurance companies offer as low as a $1500 calendar year deductible 100% coinsurance plan that includes doctors office visits, prescription drugs, inpatient and outpatient surgery all covered under one deductible.
The most common deductible individuals select is around $2500 per calendar year.
Another misunderstanding is that people "have" to deposit their deductible into the HSA every year. There are no minimum HSA contribution requirements. If you understand taxes then you will want to pay all of your medically related expenses through a triple tax advantaged HSA.
The biggest struggle some people have is qualifying for an individual policy. If there are serious health conditions than your COBRA plan should be selected.
You need an independent insurance agent that can help you find the best coverage for your needs.
It sounds to me like it will just encourage people not to go to the doctor when they really should. I hope you are feeling better.
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