Monday, June 15, 2009


He won't give me my belongings. There is a court order that he signed reading that he would give me my belongings. It's been months now. Tomorrow is the most recent promised date that he would bring them but now he will not. As always, he has disappeared into nowhere. He will not allow me to come and get them.

I can't even get my car in my own name as ordered. One month he has lost the car title then the next month he has it only to not give it to me anyway. It seems that everywhere I turn there is a roadblock with his name on it. He told me all I have to do to get my name removed from the checking account is to go to the bank but I get there to find out it is not true all the while I have to deal with rogue bills that go to that account and come back haunting me even more.

All these things hit me at night when I am the most vulnerable. The stress of it ties tight knots into my neck causing my jaws to pound and my head to ache. Another week has started with me feeling overwhelmed and out of control of the least little thing. I know I need to get a grip -- an attitude change -- but haven't been able to make it happen. I'm so tired.

In a few hours, I'll have to start another work week with this. Earlier I was wondering if I should start a war instead of fighting one.


CountryDew said...

It sounds like you need a lawyer if you don't have one. I know they can be expensive but sometimes it costs more not to pay for the expertise. So sorry you're having to deal with this.

Unknown said...

You take your court order to where your things are, escorted by the police, and you get your things. I have worked with women in domestic violence situations... which this manipulation is.... and that is how you get your court ordered belongings.


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