Sunday, July 05, 2009


Yesterday, instead of celebrating Independence Day, I celebrated the fact that the week was over. A cat with cancer needing surgery then hospitalization all week, learning of a new health problem of my own, and my new company being bought out (yes, the job I had left my crazy but permanent position for) and my job status questionable was more than bad.

Today, I'd rather go back to last week. He should have warned me instead of allowing me to stumble across it. The sick cat I mentioned was one who stayed with the ex-husband who is out of town all week so that I am going to that house three times a day to care for the sick cat. I needed a tissue. There was Mary Kay all through the bathroom. It was odd ... but he has sisters and a mother ... but then I went to pat the cat lying on the bed and it was then that I saw her photo.

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