Saturday, March 15, 2008

Bill, Whatcha Doin' ?!?

This week Bill Gates appeared before government recommending that the United States allow for more Visas for foreign workers.

His reasoning is that the United States must hire overseas in order to stay competitive in the international market. First of all, let me make clear that I enjoy working with foreign consultants and I've grown to like Bill in the past year but I have some problems here:

1. Why not invest money into the American education system so we can have our own developers, network staff, business analysts, etc?

2. Where is the lack of qualified staff in Information Technology? I don't see them. I can start a long list right now of extremely intelligent and talented developers who have lost jobs and then were replaced by Visa-sponsored Indian workers who could not grasp the scope of work.

1 comment:

CountryDew said...

Apparently it is too hard to invest in our own country any more. Your ideas are certainly worthwhile.


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