Because of my career, I am on a PC all day at work and then some so this is one reason why I am attempting to execute such a tenet at this point in time. With more certifications and new technologies to learn, now is definitely not a good time. In addition, I also order food, pay bills, request library books, shop, schedule social activities, and communicate with others via the internet. There will never be a convenient time so I might as well go at it now. It's been almost two weeks and I have slipped a few times. Interestingly, on the times when I have not slipped, I have been able to fall asleep easier. In any event, there's got to be more to life than staring at a flat-screen.
Recently, I observed a co-worker who had to go without internet access on his laptop for a whole five days and had a complete melt-down. It was an eye-opener for me who totes around a laptop, MP3 player, portable storage, USB cords, Playstation Portable, digital camera, and cell phone. Sadly, I'm one of the few people who I know who does not go out and buy the absolute latest in gadgets yet I'm still overrun by them. Last week, I even purchased a special charging station to store all my chargers and cords in an efficient manner and am still without enough space for them all.
Only time will determine the success of my loss of habits but I do hope it works out well because the resulting physical problems are miserable and I do enjoy sleep. If I absolutely have to blog then I will go ahead and purchase a new smart phone so that I can blog on the go, right? ........
I think I might also freak out with time limits (or expirations) on internet use! Sleep problems existed for me BEFORE blogging and insane inet addiction. I'm not sure, at this point, if it is worse or better...
Chicken or the egg?
I think this is a good policy. I try to be off my computer by 6 p.m. every day, but (since it's 7:30 p.m.), I don't always make it. But you need a break from the thing. So take it.
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