Thursday, January 25, 2007

Nocturnal Chatterings #6

- I'm really not having chatterings, just can't sleep again. Eating away at my empty stomach, the ruthless stress has teeth.
-I can't seem to eat much, especially in the evenings when I have to come home. Much of the stress is here. Maybe if I could eat more then I could sleep better.
-I don't want to find a new place to live. I don't want to disrupt 40 gallons of fish, three cats, myself, and a spouse.
-I know that I need a lifestyle change. Working so much is not good, no exercise is not good, not eating is not good.
-I wish I could give more hope to others reading this blog.


EatAnts said...

Keep your chin up. There is hope. It hasn't been an easy road, but I've gotten there. I still have occassional bad days, but the good days way out number them. I'm always here to chat. Good luck.

Chrystal Sander said...

Thanks, you are really cool.


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