Sunday, October 18, 2009

Getting Paid To Be Sick - A De-Evolutionary Idea In Healthcare

While discussing a former employer, an older fellow explained to me how healthcare was handled "back in the day":

"All the employees put money in a jar for the doctor to come around and see them regularly. If an employee was sick, then THAT employee did NOT have to put money in the jar. The doctors were paid to keep us healthy. You see, today doctors, etc., are only paid when we are sick. They are not paid when we are healthy. Somehow we have went backwards and this is the problem with healthcare."

1 comment:

CountryDew said...

I think in England they are offering "wellness" incentives to their "public option" physicians, so that if patients improve in their health they receive a stimulus for that. Sounds like a better way to go, maybe.


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