Monday, October 05, 2009

I'm Not Going To Eat Ham Either

I'm trying not to panic over the swine ... um, I mean, the H1N1 flu. It's just a flu, right? It's breaking out around here. Someone in our corporate office has it and a lady was coughing all over my desk today. It terrifies me. I bought Airbourne, Germ-gel, and am trying to find someone to sanitize my house. I know I sound like a germ-a-phobe but I can't bear to be sick from ANY OTHER thing.

I'm vulnerable now. Last week I had to get a pneumonia and a flu shot. I'm waiting for the vaccine and fear I won't be able to get it. I fear going to the drug-store, the grocery store, and generally think I should stay away from the public as much as possible. I notice things I've never noticed before; like, using my wet hands to turn the garbage disposal on and off or eating a taco with my hands in a restaurant. I have regular appointments with my doctor to monitor my condition but I'm going to try and phone in as much as possible. Horrible.

1 comment:

CountryDew said...

You might purchase some plastic gloves and a face mask; I have. I use those disposable gloves when I go to the supermarket now. I haven't quite resorted to the face mask yet but I don't think it is far away.


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