Monday, July 14, 2008


it's horrible crying crying misery every night don't want to go to sleep. plesae i just want it to stop. please the crying and the wailing and moaning and begging. got what else. screw tapping, screw extra klonopin, screw music, they don't work. it takes a major tranquilizer to knock out the pain but then i wake hungover i just don't want to do it anyore because it doesn't work i just want my bike back i just want it to be over. i wish well for even dead animals on the street i give a prayer but have nothing left for myself to do i just don't know what to do about it. it won't end it is not ending it is not even getting better at all not at all and i don't know what else to do. i don't want any lectures i just want it to stop. i follow the instructions and i am still here every night every night. god i just want it to stop i want it to stop.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

There are specialists who deal in pain (relieving) that you could get a referral to see. Depending on the injuries, you might try accupunture as well. It's effective and you can tell people that you had needles stuck all over you like a Cenobite.

Chrystal Sander said...

Thanks, Cybr. I have tried accupuncture and I think it was helpful because it was like getting shots of morphine or something because I would go home and crash into a deep sleep. Same with cranio-sacral ... i should blog about that.


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